--- title: Blockchain Voting with Santiago Siri date_created: 2021-01-04 last_updated: tags: [type/literature/article, tech, governance] source_url: https://www.wired.com/story/santiago-siri-radical-plan-for-blockchain-voting/ --- Article in [[WIRED]] about [[Santiago Siri]]'s experiments with [[Blockchain]] democracy. Summary: [[Santiago Siri]] has made a blockchain voting platform called [[DemocracyEarth]]. Its goal is to "tokenize the like," ie to use social media's toolkit to dispense money and/or achieve democracy via cryptocurrency. A problem with this approach is the token is monetized, which complicates open governance, and the onus is on Siri to prove his tools help more than they hurt. > Siri dreams of a new kind of social media platform on which we spend “vote tokens” that can do anything, from electing politicians and passing referendums to enacting the bylaws of a social club or establishing the business plan of a corporation. It’s democracy by click. [[DemocracyEarth]] has a [white paper](https://www.dropbox.com/s/f5zzofunx186dcu/The%20Social%20Smart%20Contract.pdf?dl=0). In code, a tool can easily be repurposed from its original context-- removed from its first ontology-- and blockchain seems this way. "Money" = "vote" like "product for sale" = "Wordpress blog post." It's just the structure being hacked. But it still sounds bad to make blockchain = money. How can a blockchain structure not be worth money? **Filed in**: [[Literature Notes]] **Related Links**: [[Hauling Democracy Out of the 19th Century]]